Dana Brown is the ACEs Science Statewide Facilitator, Learn4Life Organizational Liaison, ACEs Connection, and Executive Director, Youth Voice A social entrepreneur, Dana founded a character development program at Tierrasanta Elementary in San Diego, CA; co-founded OurSOLES (Our Students of Leadership ~ Empowerment ~ Service), founded Youth Leadership TICS (Trauma-Informed Community Schools) and Youth Leadership with McGill School of Success. Dana is a Commissioner on the City of San Diego Commission on Gang Prevention & Intervention and Chair of the Youth Committee., co-chair of the San Diego Trauma-Informed Guide Team , on the Advisory Council of the University of San Diego’s Character Development Center, the steering committee of the Clinton Health Matters Initiative, Strong Families, Thriving Communities, and the leadership team of the Southern California Warrior Spirit with Indigenous communities. An author, Hidden Treasures, Ms. Brown has received many awards over the years, including, the Joy McAllister Advocacy Award from Mental Health America in 2014, President Obama’s USA Volunteer Presidential Award in 2013 (with San Diego Compassion Project), and the City of San Diego’s Human Relations Commission Award in 2009.