March 18 & 19, 2019 | 9 am – 4:30 pm
at The California Endowment 1000 N. Alameda St, Los Angeles CA 90012
Echo has been banging the drum for some time now about trauma and how it gets stored in our bodies. We uphold the work of people like Dr. Peter Levine, Dr. Bessel van der Kolk and other researchers who have concluded that talk therapy alone is not enough to release and overwrite the disruptive patterns trauma creates in our bodies.
Our 2019 conference theme is ‘Trauma Recovery: Community Evidenced Practices’. Service professionals will learn about traditional as well as more recently discovered practices for healing trauma. Many of these are now accepted by the scientific community but many remain unacknowledged – not because they are ineffective, but because the scientific community has not yet caught up.
At our conference you will be able to explore for yourself a variety of new and traditional forms of healing that are body-based. Some of these practices draw on centuries of cultural wisdom (such as yoga, gardening, and dance) and some are exciting new frontiers in trauma recovery (such as EMDR, neurofeedback and EFT). A few have already acquired ‘evidence-based’ status but many others are still waiting for science to catch up. On this theme, Viejas Tribal Chairman Dr. Pico will share with us current research into First Nation healing modalities.
The many interactive workshops will have you getting out of your chair and into your body as we celebrate the resources nature gave us. Come explore with us the new frontier of trauma recovery.
Eye Movement Desensitization
and Reprocessing (EMDR)
Ana Gomez
Carol Kelson
Emotional Freedom Techniques
Victor Lee
Echo is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for: MFTs, LCSWs, LEPs, and LPCCs
Echo maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Add CEs to your registration here ⇒
Student Registration available with valid student ID ⇒
Payment by check or other is available ⇒
Payment or proof of purchase order must be received by March 11, 2019
Cancellation fees may apply; be sure to review our policies.
Spanish & ASL interpretation available upon request.
Accommodations cannot be made for requests received after January 18, 2019.
Day 1
March 18, 2019
8:00a |
Registration |
9:00a |
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Ana Gomez |
10:45a |
11:00a |
Morning Concurrent SessionsNew Opportunities in Trauma Recovery: Neuroscience and the Havening Techniques®, Dr. Kate Truitt Trauma Healing Foundations with The Resilience Toolkit, Nkem Ndefo Connecting to the Earth – Healing through Agriculture in the Cambodian Community, Laura Som Dance from the Heart: Creative Movement for Healing & Transformation, Sophia Kozak El Cuerpo Sabio: Yoga en la recuperación del trauma, Viviana Vallin (facilitated in Spanish) |
12:30p |
1:30p |
Afternoon Concurrent SessionsNew Opportunities in Trauma Recovery: Neuroscience and the Havening Techniques®, Dr. Kate Truitt Bases de Sanación de Trauma con El Kit de Resiliencia, Ana Rosa Najera (facilitated in Spanish) Connecting to the Earth – Healing through Agriculture in the Cambodian Community, Laura Som, Dr. Alex Norman & Sokunthea Oum Dance from the Heart: Creative Movement for Healing & Transformation, Sophia Kozak The Wise Body: Yoga for Trauma Recovery, Viviana Vallin |
2:45p |
3:00p |
Indigenous Wisdom Healing Historical Trauma, former Viejas Tribal Chairman, Dr. Anthony Pico |
Day 2
March 19, 2019
8:00a |
Registration |
9:00a |
Neurofeedback, Carol Kelson |
10:30a |
10:45a |
Film: Wrestling Ghosts |
12:30p |
1:30p |
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) |
3:00p |
Gut Health, Renaldo Wilson |
Hotel & Directions
The California Endowment Center for Healthy Communities is located at 1000 N Alameda St., Los Angeles, CA 90012.
Click here for a list of directions for driving and public transportation.
It is recommended that conference attendees book hotel accommodations early as hotels in the area often sell out.
The Millennium Biltmore Hotel has limited rooms available at a promotional rate. Book by calling (213) 624-1011, select option 3 and request The California Endowment rate.
Millennium Biltmore Hotel
506 South Grand Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90071